Get announcements about future games (FOR SPIDERS!)

Announcing our new game:

Flesh It Out is a creative party game of simultaneous action and monster mashing. You and up to 6 friends fight over a limited pile of parts in an effort to flesh out concepts from "Horse" to "Helicopter." Can't draw? You're in luckā€”all the art is done for you! Sure, your airplane may have to use legs for wings and eyes for wheels but beggars can't be choosers, Marcus! Use your imagination!

Want to help us out? Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and stuff to let us know what you think! We are always accepting suggestions for parts, concept cards, or really anything else.

Flesh it Out is playable online FOR FREE!

A lot has changed about how people get together with friends to play board games. So we've put our game online TOTALLY FOR FREE!

Flesh it Out, our creative party game of simultaneous action and monster mashing, is now available to play on Tabletopia! How do you build a helicopter or convey the idea of hopelessness using a pile of meaty chunks and limbs and junk? I don't know, you'll think of something! Probably! Get some friends and try to Flesh it Out now on Tabletopia!

Games for Spiders!